Interesting goings on; now why would they do this? (see the link above) Simple answer: Mr. Trump will change the way they do business. The CEO's of the various tech companies are petrified that Mr. Trump will force them to behave as proper corporate citizens; they see evaporating profits because of changes in the laws if he's elected, and they really don't like it. the GOP establishment, which has argued for "free trade" all these years, is terrified, too, since to them "free trade" has meant exporting American jobs via American companies so that we could all work at WalMart. Mr. Trump will be bad, very bad for the establishment, but possibly very good for the middle and lower classes, who, I think, would rather have actually good jobs than work at KFC for a "better minimum wage."
Now this is just my opinion, but when the wealthy vote no, it might be wise to look at why they are doing it. Today, we have one of the lowest employment participation rates since the '50's, one of the highest unemployment rates we've ever had (22.5% or so, if you look at ACTUAL unemployment), and the GOP and DEM establishments want to convince us that "more of the same" is good for us. In reality, it's only good for THEM.
It's every man for himself, apparently.